Responsible for the content of this website according to i.S.d ß 10 MDStV:
Jörn Michael
Translation by Dr. Susanne Coles
This website may contain references to proprietary rights and information regarding copyrights; these must be respected and adhered to in all cases. I would also like to point out that this website and the information displayed may contain typographical errors.
I reserve the right, to update and/or change the information on this website without any notice, which includes any improvements and/or corrections. Despite careful checks and control, I take no responsibility for any content displayed on external links. Responsibility for the content of any external links lies entirely with their owners.
Jörn Michael
Translation by Dr. Susanne Coles
This website may contain references to proprietary rights and information regarding copyrights; these must be respected and adhered to in all cases. I would also like to point out that this website and the information displayed may contain typographical errors.
I reserve the right, to update and/or change the information on this website without any notice, which includes any improvements and/or corrections. Despite careful checks and control, I take no responsibility for any content displayed on external links. Responsibility for the content of any external links lies entirely with their owners.