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Theatre as platform for the visual arts

Jörn Michael exhibits “Networks” in the theatre

Annaberg-Buchholz, Germany. It is pleasant to know that the creative collaboration between the Winterstein Theatre and the association “Art Cellar”, which was initiated due to the “Hesse-Ehrung” (Honoring of Hermann Hesse), is not just a one-off. The experience of inter-genre art is still valued. And that is just as well. At present you can see an exhibition by Jörn Michael (Buchholz) in the theatre foyer. The work of this talented young man has caught the eye already a few times in the “Art Cellar” and has caused people to ask: “Who is the artist?” Because the budding artist develops his abilities and skills rather quietly without a lot of fuss. The artistic expressionism of likable Jörn Michael speaks for itself, whether it is in painting, graphics or photography. With the current exhibition he displays drawings under the subject “Networks”. Of course the beholder has to be willing to probe the exhibited pieces. And if the viewer comes from the light opera “Country of Smiles” then he experiences a completely different world – or not. Jˆrn Michael’s drawings allow for many interpretations. The initial chaos of lines resolves into faces, body parts in motion or eyes when carefully examined – all caught in a net. It embraces the human, catches him and releases him again. It does not require much imagination to comprehend that the modern human being is trapped in a social network, in mutual dependence and responsibility, whether at the top or at the bottom, just like in Michael’s turning pictures. May the odd exhibition visitor feel the urge to go to the theatre and the odd theatre goes remember the next artistic exhibition.

Regina Hanika
Freie Presse, 20/02/2003